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os.renames() - os


The method renames() is recursive directory or file renaming function. It does the same functioning as os.rename(), but it also moves a file to a directory, or a whole tree of directories, that do not exist.

  • old -- This is the actual name of the file or directory to be renamed.

  • new -- This is the new name of the file or directory.It can even include a file to a directory, or a whole tree of directories, that do not exist.


os.renames(old, new)


# !/usr/bin/python

import os, sys
print "Current directory is: %s" %os.getcwd()

# listing directories
print "The dir is: %s"%os.listdir(os.getcwd())

# renaming file "aa1.txt"

print "Successfully renamed."

# listing directories after renaming and moving "aa1.txt"
print "The dir is: %s" %os.listdir(os.getcwd())

Output / Return Value

The file aa1.txt is not visible here, as it is been moved to newdir and renamed as aanew.txt. The directory newdir and its contents are shown below:

Current directory is: /tmp The dir is: [ 'a1.txt','resume.doc','','aa1.txt','Administrator','amrood.admin' ] Successfully renamed. The dir is: [ 'a1.txt','resume.doc','','Administrator','amrood.admin' ]


Alternatives / See Also
