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os.fpathconf() - os


The method fpathconf() returns system configuration information relevant to an open file.This variable is very similar to unix system call fpathconf() and accept the similar arguments.

  • fd -- This is the file descriptor for which system configuration information is to be returned.

  • name -- This specifies the configuration value to retrieve; it may be a string, which is the name of a defined system value; these names are specified in a number of standards (POSIX.1, Unix 95, Unix 98, and others). The names known to the host operating system are given in the os.pathconf_names dictionary.


os.fpathconf(fd, name)



import os, sys

# Open a file
fd = "foo.txt", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREAT )

print "%s" % os.pathconf_names

# Now get maximum number of links to the file.
no = os.fpathconf(fd, 'PC_LINK_MAX')
print "Maximum number of links to the file. :%d" % no

# Now get maximum length of a filename
no = os.fpathconf(fd, 'PC_NAME_MAX')
print "Maximum length of a filename :%d" % no

# Close opened file
os.close( fd)

print "Closed the file successfully!!"

Output / Return Value

When we run above program, it produces following result:

{'PC_MAX_INPUT': 2, 'PC_VDISABLE': 8, 'PC_SYNC_IO': 9, 'PC_SOCK_MAXBUF': 12, 'PC_NAME_MAX': 3, 'PC_MAX_CANON': 1, 'PC_PRIO_IO': 11, 'PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED': 6, 'PC_ASYNC_IO': 10, 'PC_NO_TRUNC': 7, 'PC_FILESIZEBITS': 13, 'PC_LINK_MAX': 0, 'PC_PIPE_BUF': 5, 'PC_PATH_MAX': 4} Maximum number of links to the file. :127 Maximum length of a filename :255 Closed the file successfully!!


Alternatives / See Also
