You are here : phpstringtrim

trim() - string

This function returns a string with whitespace stripped from the
   beginning and end of str.
   Without the second parameter,
   trim() will strip these characters:

      " " (ASCII 32 
      (0x20)), an ordinary space.

      "	" (ASCII 9 
      (0x09)), a tab.

" (ASCII 10 
      (0x0A)), a new line (line feed).

" (ASCII 13 
      (0x0D)), a carriage return.

      "" (ASCII 0 
      (0x00)), the NUL-byte.

      "x0B" (ASCII 11 
      (0x0B)), a vertical tab.
Parameters :
  • str - The string that will be trimmed.
  • character_mask - Optionally, the stripped characters can also be specified using the character_mask parameter. Simply list all characters that you want to be stripped. With .. you can specify a range of characters.

  • Syntax

    string trim
        ( string $str
       [, string $character_mask = " 	
      ] )


    <?php$text   = "\t\tThese are a few words :) ...  ";$binary = "\x09Example string\x0A";$hello  = "Hello World";var_dump($text, $binary, $hello);print "\n";$trimmed = trim($text);var_dump($trimmed);$trimmed = trim($text, " \t.");var_dump($trimmed);$trimmed = trim($hello, "Hdle");var_dump($trimmed);$trimmed = trim($hello, 'HdWr');var_dump($trimmed);// trim the ASCII control characters at the beginning and end of $binary// (from 0 to 31 inclusive)$clean = trim($binary, "\x00..\x1F");var_dump($clean);?>

    Output / Return Value


    Alternatives / See Also
