You are here : phpstringstrcspn

strcspn() - string

Returns the length of the initial segment of
   subject which does not
   contain any of the characters in mask.
Parameters :
  • subject - The string to examine.
  • mask - The string containing every disallowed character.
  • start - The position in subject to start searching. If start is given and is non-negative, then strcspn() will begin examining subject at the start'th position. For instance, in the string 'abcdef', the character at position 0 is 'a', the character at position 2 is 'c', and so forth. If start is given and is negative, then strcspn() will begin examining subject at the start'th position from the end of subject.
  • length - The length of the segment from subject to examine. If length is given and is non-negative, then subject will be examined for length characters after the starting position. If length is given and is negative, then subject will be examined from the starting position up to length characters from the end of subject.

  • Syntax

    int strcspn
        ( string $subject
       , string $mask
       [, int $start
       [, int $length
      ]] )


    <?php$a = strcspn('abcd',  'apple');$b = strcspn('abcd',  'banana');$c = strcspn('hello', 'l');$d = strcspn('hello', 'world');$e = strcspn('abcdhelloabcd', 'abcd', -9);$f = strcspn('abcdhelloabcd', 'abcd', -9, -5);var_dump($a);var_dump($b);var_dump($c);var_dump($d);var_dump($e);var_dump($f);?>

    Output / Return Value


    Alternatives / See Also
