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setlocale() - string

Sets locale information.
Parameters :
  • category - category is a named constant specifying the category of the functions affected by the locale setting: LC_ALL for all of the below LC_COLLATE for string comparison, see strcoll() LC_CTYPE for character classification and conversion, for example strtoupper() LC_MONETARY for localeconv() LC_NUMERIC for decimal separator (See also localeconv()) LC_TIME for date and time formatting with strftime() LC_MESSAGES for system responses (available if PHP was compiled with libintl)
  • locale - If locale is NULL or the empty string "", the locale names will be set from the values of environment variables with the same names as the above categories, or from "LANG". If locale is "0", the locale setting is not affected, only the current setting is returned. If locale is an array or followed by additional parameters then each array element or parameter is tried to be set as new locale until success. This is useful if a locale is known under different names on different systems or for providing a fallback for a possibly not available locale.
  • ... - (Optional string or array parameters to try as locale settings until success.)

  • Syntax

    string setlocale
        ( int $category
       , string $locale
       [, string $...
      ] )


    <?php/* Set locale to Dutch */setlocale(LC_ALL, 'nl_NL');/* Output: vrijdag 22 december 1978 */echo strftime("%A %e %B %Y", mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 22, 1978));/* try different possible locale names for german as of PHP 4.3.0 */$loc_de = setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge');echo "Preferred locale for german on this system is '$loc_de'";?>

    Output / Return Value


    Alternatives / See Also
