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unshiftdata() - Signal Processing

y = unshiftdata(x,perm,nshifts) restores
the orientation of the data that was shifted with shiftdata. The permutation vector is
given by perm, and nshifts is
the number of shifts that was returned from shiftdata.unshiftdata is meant to be used in tandem
with shiftdata. These functions
are useful for creating functions that work along a certain dimension,
like filter, goertzel, sgolayfilt,
and sosfilt.


y = unshiftdata(x,perm,nshifts)


Permute Dimensions of a Magic SquareOpen This Example
This example shifts x, a 3-by-3 magic square, permuting dimension 2 to the first column. unshiftdata shifts x back to its original shape.
Create a 3-by-3 magic square.x = magic(3)

x =

     8     1     6
     3     5     7
     4     9     2

Shift the matrix x to work along the second dimension. The permutation vector, perm, and the number of shifts, nshifts, are returned along with the shifted matrix.[x,perm,nshifts] = shiftdata(x,2)

x =

     8     3     4
     1     5     9
     6     7     2

perm =

     2     1

nshifts =


Shift the matrix back to its original shape.y = unshiftdata(x,perm,nshifts)

y =

     8     1     6
     3     5     7
     4     9     2

Rearrange Array to Operate on First Nonsigleton DimensionOpen This Example
This example shows how shiftdata and unshiftdata work when you define dim as empty.
Define x as a row vector.x = 1:5

x =

     1     2     3     4     5

Define dim as empty to shift the first non-singleton dimension of x to the first column. shiftdata returns x as a column vector, along with perm, the permutation vector, and nshifts, the number of shifts.[x,perm,nshifts] = shiftdata(x,[])

x =


perm =


nshifts =


Using unshiftdata, restore x to its original shape.y = unshiftdata(x,perm,nshifts)

y =

     1     2     3     4     5

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
