You are here : matlabSignal Processingstepz

stepz() - Signal Processing

[h,t] = stepz(b,a) returns
the step response of the filter with numerator coefficients, b,
and denominator coefficients, a. stepz chooses
the number of samples and returns the response in the column vector h and
sample times in the column vector t (where t = [0:n-1]', and n = length(t) is computed
automatically).[h,t] = stepz(sos) returns the step response
of the second order sections matrix, sos. sos is
a K-by-6 matrix, where the number of sections, K,
must be greater than or equal to 2. If the number of sections is less
than 2, stepz considers the input to be the numerator
vector, b. Each row of sos corresponds
to the coefficients of a second-order (biquad) filter. The ith
row of the sos matrix corresponds to [bi(1)
bi(2) bi(3) ai(1) ai(2) ai(3)].[h,t] = stepz(d) returns the step response
of the digital filter, d. Use designfilt to generate d based
on frequency-response specifications.[h,t] = stepz(...,n) computes
the first n samples of the step response when n is an integer (t = [0:n-1]'). If n is
a vector of integers, the step response is computed only at  those
integer values with 0 denoting the time origin.[h,t] = stepz(...,n,fs) computes
n samples and produces a vector t of length n so
that the samples are spaced 1/fs units apart. fs is
assumed to be in Hz.stepz(...) with no output
arguments plots the step response of the filter. If you input the
filter coefficients or second order sections matrix, the current figure
window is used. If you input a digitalFilter, the step response is displayed in fvtool.Note:  

If the input to stepz is single precision,
the step response is calculated using single-precision arithmetic.
The output, h, is single precision.


[h,t] = stepz(b,a)[h,t] = stepz(sos)[h,t] = stepz(d)[h,t] = stepz(...,n)[h,t] = stepz(...,n,fs)stepz(...)



Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
