You are here : matlabSignal Processingsos2cell

sos2cell() - Signal Processing

c = sos2cell(m) changes
an L-by-6 second-order section matrix m
generated by tf2sos into a
1-by-L cell array of 1-by-2 cell arrays, c.
You can use c to specify a quantized filter with L cascaded
second-order sections.The matrix m should have the formm = [b1 a1;b2 a2; ... ;bL aL]
where both bi and ai,
with i = 1, ..., L, are 1-by-3
row vectors. The resulting c is
a 1-by-L cell array of cells of the formc = { {b1 a1} {b2 a2} ... {bL aL} }
c = sos2cell(m,g) with the
optional gain term g, prepends
the constant value g to c.
When you use the added gain term in the command, c is
a 1-by-L cell array of cells of the formc = {{g,1} {b1,a1} {b2,a2}...{bL,aL} }


c = sos2cell(m)c = sos2cell(m,g)


m = [b1 a1;b2 a2; ... ;bL aL]

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
