You are here : matlabSignal Processingfiltic

filtic() - Signal Processing

z = filtic(b,a,y,x) finds
the initial conditions, z, for the delays in the transposed direct-form
II filter implementation given past outputs y and
inputs x. The vectors b and a represent
the numerator and denominator coefficients, respectively, of the filter's
transfer function.The vectors x and y contain
the most recent input or output first, and oldest input or output
last.x=[x(−1),x(−2),x(−3),…,x(−n)]y=[y(−1),y(−2),y(−3),…,y(−m)]where n is length(b)-1 (the
numerator order) and m is length(a)-1 (the
denominator order). If length(x) is less than n, filtic pads
it with zeros to length n; if length(y) is
less than m, filtic pads it
with zeros to length m. Elements of x beyond x(n-1) and
elements of y beyond y(m-1) are
unnecessary so filtic ignores them.Output z is a column vector of length equal
to the larger of n and m. z describes the state of the delays given past inputs x and
past outputs y.z = filtic(b,a,y) assumes
that the input x is 0 in the past.The transposed direct-form II structure is shown in the following
n – 1
is the filter order. filtic works for both real and complex inputs.


z = filtic(b,a,y,x)z = filtic(b,a,y)


Requires vector inputs.

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
