You are here : matlabSignal Processingdpsssave

dpsssave() - Signal Processing

dpsssave(time_halfbandwith,dps_seq,lambda) creates
a database of discrete prolate spheroidal (DPSS) or Slepian sequences
and saves the results in dpss.mat. The time half
bandwidth producttime_halfbandwith is a real-valued
scalar determining the frequency concentration of the Slepian sequences
in dps_seq. dps_seq is a NxK matrix
of Slepian sequences where N is the length of the
sequences. lambda is a 1xK vector
containing the frequency concentration ratios of the Slepian sequences
in dps_seq.If the database dpss.mat exists, subsequent
calls to dpsssave append the Slepian sequences
to the existing file. If the sequences are already in the existing
file, dpsssave overwrites the old values and issues
a warning.status = dpsssave(time_halfbandwith,dps_seq,lambda) returns
a 0 if the database operation was successful or a 1 if unsuccessful.


dpsssave(time_halfbandwith,dps_seq,lambda)status = dpsssave(time_halfbandwith,dps_seq,lambda)


Create a Database of Slepian SequencesOpen This Example
Construct the first four discrete prolate spheroidal sequences of length 512. Specify a time half bandwidth product of 2.5. Use them to create a database of Slepian sequences, dpss.mat, in the current working directory. The output variable, status, is 0 if there is success.
seq_length = 512;
time_halfbandwidth = 2.5;
num_seq = 4;
[dps_seq,lambda] = dpss(seq_length,time_halfbandwidth);
status = dpsssave(time_halfbandwidth,dps_seq,lambda)

status =


Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
