You are here : matlabSignal Processingdb2pow

db2pow() - Signal Processing

y = db2pow(ydb) returns
the power measurements, y, that correspond to
the decibel (dB) values specified in ydb. The
relationship between power and decibels is ydb = 10 log10(y).


y = db2pow(ydb) example


Power Values of Random NumbersOpen This ExampleGenerate a 2-by-4-by-2 array of Gaussian random numbers. Assume the numbers are expressed in decibels and compute the corresponding power measurements.r = randn(2,4,2);

pows = db2pow(r)

pows(:,:,1) =

    1.1318    0.5944    1.0762    0.9050
    1.5254    1.2196    0.7400    1.0821

pows(:,:,2) =

    2.2795    0.7328    1.1818    1.1789
    1.8921    2.0114    0.9856    0.9539

Use the definition to check the calculation.chck = 10.^(r/10)

chck(:,:,1) =

    1.1318    0.5944    1.0762    0.9050
    1.5254    1.2196    0.7400    1.0821

chck(:,:,2) =

    2.2795    0.7328    1.1818    1.1789
    1.8921    2.0114    0.9856    0.9539

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
