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qtdecomp() - Image Processing

qtdecomp divides a square image into four
equal-sized square blocks, and then tests each block to see if it
meets some criterion of homogeneity. If a block meets the criterion,
it is not divided any further. If it does not meet the criterion,
it is subdivided again into four blocks, and the test criterion is
applied to those blocks. This process is repeated iteratively until
each block meets the criterion. The result can have blocks of several
different sizes.S = qtdecomp(I) performs
a quadtree decomposition on the intensity image I and
returns the quadtree structure in the sparse matrix S.
If S(k,m) is nonzero, then (k,m) is
the upper left corner of a block in the decomposition, and the size
of the block is given by S(k,m). By default, qtdecomp splits
a block unless all elements in the block are equal.S = qtdecomp(I, threshold) splits
a block if the maximum value of the block elements minus the minimum
value of the block elements is greater than threshold. threshold is
specified as a value between 0 and 1, even if I is
of class uint8 or uint16. If I is uint8,
the threshold value you supply is multiplied by 255 to determine the
actual threshold to use; if I is uint16,
the threshold value you supply is multiplied by 65535.S = qtdecomp(I, threshold, mindim) will
not produce blocks smaller than mindim, even if
the resulting blocks do not meet the threshold condition.S = qtdecomp(I, threshold, [mindim
maxdim]) will not produce blocks smaller than mindim or
larger than maxdim. Blocks larger than maxdim are
split even if they meet the threshold condition. maxdim/mindim must
be a power of 2.S = qtdecomp(I, fun) uses
the function fun to determine whether to split
a block. qtdecomp calls fun with
all the current blocks of size m-by-m stacked
into an m-by-m-by-k array,
where k is the number of m-by-m blocks. fun returns
a logical k-element vector, whose values are 1
if the corresponding block should be split, and 0 otherwise. (For
example, if k(3) is 0, the third m-by-m block
should not be split.) fun must be a function handle.


S = qtdecomp(I)S = qtdecomp(I, threshold)S = qtdecomp(I, threshold, mindim)S = qtdecomp(I, threshold, [mindim
maxdim])S = qtdecomp(I, fun)


I = uint8([1 1 1 1 2 3 6 6;...
             1 1 2 1 4 5 6 8;...
             1 1 1 1 7 7 7 7;... 
             1 1 1 1 6 6 5 5;... 
             20 22 20 22 1 2 3 4;... 
             20 22 22 20 5 4 7 8;... 
             20 22 20 20 9 12 40 12;...
             20 22 20 20 13 14 15 16]);

S = qtdecomp(I,.05);

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
