You are here : matlabImage Processinglab2rgb

lab2rgb() - Image Processing

rgb = lab2rgb(lab) converts
CIE 1976 L*a*b* values to RGB values. examplergb = lab2rgb(lab,Name,Value) specifies
additional options with one or more Name,Value pair arguments.Code Generation support:
Yes. MATLAB Function Block support:


rgb = lab2rgb(lab) examplergb = lab2rgb(lab,Name,Value) example


Convert L*a*b* color to RGBlab2rgb([70 5 10])ans =

    0.7358    0.6566    0.6010
Convert L*a*b* color to Adobe RGB (1998)lab2rgb([70 5 10],'ColorSpace','adobe-rgb-1998')ans =

    0.7086    0.6507    0.5978
Convert L*a*b* color to sRGB using D50 as reference whitelab2rgb([70 5 10],'WhitePoint','d50')ans =

    0.7281    0.6574    0.6007
Convert  L*a*b* color to 8-bit-encoded RGB colorlab2rgb([70 5 10],'OutputType','uint8')
ans =

  188  167  153

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
