iptprefs() - Image Processing
iptprefs opens the Image Processing Toolbox
Preferences dialog box, part of the MATLAB® Preferences dialog
box. You can also open this dialog box by clicking Preferences on
the Home tab, in the Environment section.The Image Processing Toolbox Preferences dialog box contains
display preferences for imtool and imshow,
and provides an option for enabling hardware optimizations. You can
set all preferences at the command line with the iptsetpref function. The following figure
shows how the preferences relate to options in the Preferences dialog
box.Image Processing Toolbox Preferences Dialog Box
The following table details the available preferences and their
syntaxes. Note that preference names are case insensitive and you
can abbreviate them. The default value appears enclosed in braces
({}). Available Image Processing Toolbox PreferencesPreference NameDescription
'ImtoolStartWithOverview'Controls whether the Overview tool opens automatically
when you open an image using the Image Tool (imtool).
Possible values:true— Overview
tool opens when you open an image.{false}—
Overview tool does not open when you open an image. This is the default
'ImtoolInitialMagnification'Controls the initial magnification of the image displayed
by imtool. Possible values:{'adaptive'} —
Display the entire image. If the image is too large to display on
the screen at 100% magnification, display the image at the largest
magnification that fits on the screen. This is the default.Any
numeric value — Specify the magnification as a percentage.
A magnification of 100% means that there should be one screen pixel
for every image pixel.'fit' —
Scale the image so that it fits into the window in its entirety. You
can override this preference by specifying the 'InitialMagnification' parameter
when you call imtool.
'ImshowAxesVisible'Controls whether imshow displays images
with the axes box and tick labels. Possible values:'on' —
Include axes box and tick labels.{'off'} —
Do not include axes box and tick labels.
'ImshowBorder'Controls whether imshow includes a
border around the image in the figure window. Possible values:{'loose'} —
Include a border between the image and the edges of the figure window,
thus leaving room for axes labels, titles, etc.'tight' —
Adjust the figure size so that the image entirely fills the figure.Note:
There still can be a border if the image is very small, or if
there are other objects besides the image and its axes in the figure.You can override this preference by specifying the 'Border' parameter
when you call imshow.
'ImshowInitialMagnification'Controls the initial magnification of the image displayed
by imshow. Possible values:Any numeric
value — imshow interprets numeric values
as a percentage. The default value is 100. A magnification
of 100% means that there should be one screen pixel for every image
pixel.'fit' — Scale the image
so that it fits into the window in its entirety. You
can override this preference by specifying the 'InitialMagnification' parameter
when you call imshow, or by calling the truesize function
manually after displaying the image.
'UseIPPL'Controls whether some toolbox functions use hardware
optimization or not. Possible values: {true}
— Enable hardware optimizationfalse —
Disable hardware optimization Note: Setting this preference
value clears all loaded MEX-files.
You can give an example if you know one.
Output / Return Value
Alternatives / See Also