You are here : matlabImage Processingimoverview

imoverview() - Image Processing

imoverview(himage) creates
an Overview tool associated with the image specified by the handle himage,
called the target image. The target image must be contained in a scroll
panel created by imscrollpanel.The Overview tool is a navigation aid for images displayed in
a scroll panel. imoverview creates the tool in
a separate figure window that displays the target image in its entirety,
scaled to fit. Over this scaled version of the image, the tool draws
a rectangle, called the detail rectangle, that shows the portion of
the target image that is currently visible in the scroll panel. To
view portions of the image that are not currently visible in the scroll
panel, move the detail rectangle in the Overview tool.The following figure shows the Image Tool with the Overview
hfig = imoverview(...) returns
a handle to the Overview tool figure.


imoverview(himage)hfig = imoverview(...)


hFig = figure('Toolbar','none',...
hIm = imshow('tape.png');
hSP = imscrollpanel(hFig,hIm);
api = iptgetapi(hSP);
api.setMagnification(2) % 2X = 200%

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
