imopen() - Image Processing
IM2 = imopen(IM,SE) performs
morphological opening on the grayscale or binary image IM with
the structuring element SE. The argument SE must
be a single structuring element object, as opposed to an array of
objects. The morphological open operation is an erosion followed by
a dilation, using the same structuring element for both operations. IM2 = imopen(IM,NHOOD) performs
opening with the structuring element strel(NHOOD),
where NHOOD is an array of 0's and 1's that specifies
the structuring element neighborhood. gpuarrayIM2 = imopen(gpuarrayIM,___) performs
the operation on a graphics processing unit (GPU) with the structuring
element strel(NHOOD), if NHOOD is
an array of 0s and 1s that specifies
the structuring element neighborhood, or strel(gather(NHOOD)) if NHOOD is
a gpuArray object that specifies the structuring
element neighborhood. This syntax requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox™.Code Generation support:
Yes.MATLAB Function Block support:
IM2 = imopen(IM,SE)IM2 = imopen(IM,NHOOD)gpuarrayIM2 = imopen(gpuarrayIM,___)
Morphologically Open Image with a Disk-shaped Structuring ElementRead the image into the MATLAB® workspace and display
it.original = imread('snowflakes.png');
figure, imshow(original);
Create a disk-shaped structuring element with a radius
of 5 = strel('disk',5);Remove snowflakes having a radius less than 5 pixels by
opening it with the disk-shaped structuring element.afterOpening = imopen(original,se);
figure, imshow(afterOpening,[]);
Morphologically Open Image with Disk-shaped Structuring Element on a GPURead an image. original = imread('snowflakes.png');
Create a disk-shaped structuring = strel('disk',5);
Morphologically open the image on a GPU, using a gpuArray object,
and display the images.afterOpening = imopen(gpuArray(original),se);
figure, imshow(original), figure, imshow(afterOpening,[])
Output / Return Value
Alternatives / See Also