You are here : matlabImage Processingimnoise

imnoise() - Image Processing

J = imnoise(I,type) adds
noise of a given type to the intensity image I. type is
a string that specifies any of the following types of noise. Note
that certain types of noise support additional parameters. See the
related syntax.ValueDescription
'gaussian'Gaussian white noise with constant mean and variance
'localvar'Zero-mean Gaussian white noise with an intensity-dependent
'poisson'Poisson noise
'salt & pepper'On and off pixels
'speckle'Multiplicative noise
J = imnoise(I,type,parameters)  
Depending on type, you can specify additional 
parameters to imnoise. All numerical parameters
are normalized— they correspond to operations with images with
intensities ranging from 0 to 1.J = imnoise(I,'gaussian',M,V) 
adds Gaussian white noise of mean m and variance v to
the image I. The default is zero mean noise with
0.01 variance.J = imnoise(I,'localvar',V) 
adds zero-mean, Gaussian white noise of local variance V to
the image I. V is an array of
the same size as I.J = imnoise(I,'localvar',image_intensity,var) 
 adds zero-mean, Gaussian noise to an image I,
where the local variance of the noise, var, is
a function of the image intensity values in I.
The image_intensity and var arguments
are vectors of the same size, and plot(image_intensity,var) plots
the functional relationship between noise variance and image intensity.
The image_intensity vector must contain normalized
intensity values ranging from 0 to 1. J = imnoise(I,'poisson') generates
Poisson noise from the data instead of adding artificial noise to
the data. If I is double precision, then input
pixel values are interpreted as means of Poisson distributions scaled
up by 1e12.  For example, if an input pixel has
the value 5.5e-12, then the corresponding output
pixel will be generated from a Poisson distribution with mean of 5.5
and then scaled back down by 1e12. If I is
single precision, the scale factor used is 1e6.
If I is uint8 or uint16,
then input pixel values are used directly without scaling. For example,
if a pixel in a uint8 input has the value 10, then
the corresponding output pixel will be generated from a Poisson distribution
with mean 10.J = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',d) adds
salt and pepper noise to the image I, where d is
the noise density. This affects approximately d*numel(I) pixels.
The default for d is 0.05.J = imnoise(I,'speckle',v) adds
multiplicative noise to the image I, using the
equation J = I+n*I, where n is
uniformly distributed random noise with mean 0 and variance v.
The default for v is 0.04.Note  

The mean and variance parameters for 'gaussian', 'localvar',
and 'speckle' noise types are always specified
as if the image were of class double in the range
[0, 1]. If the input image is of class uint8 or uint16,
the imnoise function converts the image to double,
adds noise according to the specified type and parameters, and then
converts the noisy image back to the same class as the input.gpuarrayJ = imnoise(gpuarrayI,___) adds
noise to the gpuArray intensity image gpuarrayI,
performing the operation on a GPU. Returns a gpuArray image J of
the same class. This syntax requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox™.


J = imnoise(I,type)J = imnoise(I,type,parameters) J = imnoise(I,'gaussian',M,V)J = imnoise(I,'localvar',V)J = imnoise(I,'localvar',image_intensity,var)J = imnoise(I,'poisson')J = imnoise(I,'salt & pepper',d)J = imnoise(I,'speckle',v)gpuarrayJ = imnoise(gpuarrayI,___)


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Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
