im2uint8() - Image Processing
I2 = im2uint8(I) converts
the grayscale image I to uint8.
If the input image is of class uint8, the output
image is identical to the input image. If the input image is not uint8, im2uint8 returns
the equivalent image of class uint8, rescaling
or offsetting the data as necessary.RGB2 = im2uint8(RGB) converts
the truecolor image RGB to uint8,
rescaling the data if necessary.I = im2uint8(BW) converts
the binary image BW to a uint8 grayscale
image, changing 1-valued elements to 255.X2 = im2uint8(X,'indexed') converts
the indexed image X to uint8,
offsetting the data if necessary. Note that it is not always possible
to convert an indexed image to uint8. If X is
of class double, the maximum value of X must
be 256 or less. If X is of class uint16,
the maximum value of X must be 255 or less.examplegpuarrayB = im2uint8(gpuarrayA,___) performs
the conversion on a GPU. The input image, gpuarrayA,
can be a grayscale, truecolor, binary, or indexed gpuArray image.
The output image is a gpuArray. This syntax requires the Parallel Computing Toolbox™.Code Generation support:
Yes.MATLAB Function Block support:
I2 = im2uint8(I) exampleRGB2 = im2uint8(RGB)I = im2uint8(BW)X2 = im2uint8(X,'indexed')gpuarrayB = im2uint8(gpuarrayA,___) example
Convert uint16 Array to uint8 ArrayOpen This Example
Create an array of class uint16.I = reshape(uint16(linspace(0,65535,25)),[5 5])
I =
0 13653 27306 40959 54613
2731 16384 30037 43690 57343
5461 19114 32768 46421 60074
8192 21845 35498 49151 62804
10923 24576 38229 51882 65535
Convert the array to class uint8 .I2 = im2uint8(I)
I2 =
0 53 106 159 213
11 64 117 170 223
21 74 128 181 234
32 85 138 191 244
43 96 149 202 255
Convert uint16 Array to uint8 on a GPUCreate array of class uint16.I1 = gpuArray(reshape(uint16(linspace(0,65535,25)),[5 5]))
Convert array to uint8.I2 = im2uint8(I1);
Output / Return Value
Alternatives / See Also