entropyfilt() - Image Processing
J = entropyfilt(I) returns
the array J, where each output pixel contains the
entropy value of the 9-by-9 neighborhood around the corresponding
pixel in the input image I. I can
have any dimension. If I has more than two dimensions,
entropyfilt treats it as a multidimensional grayscale
image and not as a truecolor (RGB) image. The output image J is
the same size as the input image I. For pixels on the borders of I, entropyfilt uses
symmetric padding. In symmetric padding, the values of padding pixels
are a mirror reflection of the border pixels in I.J = entropyfilt(I,NHOOD) performs
entropy filtering of the input image I where you
specify the neighborhood in NHOOD. NHOOD is
a multidimensional array of zeros and ones where the nonzero elements
specify the neighbors. NHOOD's size
must be odd in each dimension. By default, entropyfilt uses the neighborhood true(9). entropyfilt determines
the center element of the neighborhood by floor((size(NHOOD)
+ 1)/2). To specify neighborhoods of various shapes, such
as a disk, use the strel function to create a structuring
element object and then use the getnhood function
to extract the neighborhood from the structuring element object.
J = entropyfilt(I)J = entropyfilt(I,NHOOD)
I = imread('circuit.tif');
J = entropyfilt(I);
imshow(I), figure, imshow(J,[]);
Output / Return Value
Alternatives / See Also