You are here : matlabImage Processingdpxinfo

dpxinfo() - Image Processing

metadata = dpxinfo(filename) reads
information about the image contained in the DPX file specified by filename. metadata is
a structure containing the file details.Digital Picture Exchange (DPX) is an ANSI standard file format
commonly used for still-frame storage in digital intermediate post-production
facilities and film labs.


metadata = dpxinfo(filename) example


Read Metadata from DPX FileOpen This Example
Read metadata from DPX file into the workspace.m = dpxinfo('peppers.dpx')

m = 

                     Filename: '/mathworks/devel/bat/Bdoc16a/build/matlab/...'
                  FileModDate: '16-Mar-2015 09:57:26'
                     FileSize: 892828
                       Format: 'DPX'
                FormatVersion: '2.0'
                        Width: 512
                       Height: 384
                     BitDepth: 36
                    ColorType: 'R,G,B'
              FormatSignature: [88 80 68 83]
                    ByteOrder: 'Little-endian'
                  Orientation: 'Left-to-right, Top-to-bottom'
        NumberOfImageElements: 1
                     DataSign: {'Unsigned'}
    AmplitudeTransferFunction: {'ITU-R 709-4'}
                  Colorimetry: {'ITU-R 709-4'}
             ChannelBitDepths: 12
                PackingMethod: 0
                     Encoding: {'None'}

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
