You are here : matlabImage Processingdicomwrite

dicomwrite() - Image Processing

dicomwrite(X, filename) writes
the binary, grayscale, or truecolor image X to
the file filename, where filename is
a string specifying the name of the Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) file to create.dicomwrite(X, map, filename) writes
the indexed image X with colormap map.dicomwrite(..., param1, value1, param2,
value2, ...) specifies optional metadata to write to the
DICOM file or parameters that affect how the file is written. param1 is
a string containing the metadata attribute name or a dicomwrite-specific
option. value1 is the corresponding value for the
attribute or option.To find a list of the DICOM attributes that you can specify,
see the data dictionary file, dicom-dict.txt, included
with the Image Processing Toolbox™ software. The following table
lists the options that you can specify, in alphabetical order. Default
values are enclosed in braces ({}).Option NameDescription
'CompressionMode'String specifying the type of compression to use when
storing the image. Possible values:{'None'}'JPEG
lossless''JPEG lossy''JPEG2000
lossy''JPEG2000 lossless''RLE'
'CreateMode'Specifies the method used for creating the data to put
in the new file. Possible values:{'Create'} —
Verify input values and generate missing data values. 'Copy' —
Copy all values from the input and do not generate missing values.
'Dictionary'String specifying the name of a DICOM data dictionary.
'Endian'String specifying the byte ordering of the file. 'Big'{'Little'}Note:  

If VR is set to 'Explicit', 'Endian' must
be 'Big'. dicomwrite ignores
this value if 'CompressionMode' or 'TransferSyntax' is
'MultiframeSingleFile'Logical value indicating whether multiframe imagery should
be written to one file. When true (default), one
file is created regardless of how many frames X contains.
When false, one file is written for each frame
in the image.
'TransferSyntax'A DICOM UID specifying the 'Endian', 'VR',
and 'CompressionMode' options.  Note:  

If specified, dicomwrite ignores any values
specified for the 'Endian', 'VR',
and 'CompressionMode' options. The TransferSyntax value
encodes values for these options.
'UseMetadataBitDepths'Logical value that indicates whether to preserve the metadata
values 'BitStored', 'BitsAllocated',
and'HighBit'. When true, dicomwrite preserves
existing values. When false (default), dicomwrite computes
these values based on the datatype of the pixel data. When 'CreateMode' is 'Create', dicomwrite ignores
this field.
'VR'String specifying whether the two-letter value representation
(VR) code should be written to the file.'explicit' —
Write VR to file.{'implicit'} —
Infer from data dictionary.Note:  

 If you specify the 'Endian' value 'Big',
you must specify 'Explicit'.
'WritePrivate'Logical value indicating whether private data should
be written to the file. Possible values: true —
Write private data to file.{false} —
Do not write private data.
dicomwrite(..., 'ObjectType', IOD,...) writes
a file containing the necessary metadata for a particular type of
DICOM Information Object (IOD). Supported IODs are'Secondary Capture Image Storage' (default)'CT Image Storage''MR Image Storage'dicomwrite(..., 'SOPClassUID', UID,...) provides
an alternate method for specifying the IOD to create. UID is the DICOM
unique identifier corresponding to one of the IODs listed above.dicomwrite(..., meta_struct,...) specifies
optional metadata or file options in structure meta_struct.
The names of fields in meta_struct must be the
names of DICOM file attributes or options. The value of a field is
the value you want to assign to the attribute or option.dicomwrite(..., info,...) specifies
metadata in the metadata structure info, which
is produced by the dicominfo function. For more
information about this structure, see dicominfo.status = dicomwrite(...) returns
information about the metadata and the descriptions used to generate
the DICOM file. This syntax can be useful when you specify an info structure
that was created by dicominfo to the dicomwrite function.
An info structure can contain many fields. If no
metadata was specified, dicomwrite returns an empty
matrix ([]).The structure returned by dicomwrite contains
these fields:FieldDescription
'BadAttribute'The attribute's internal description is bad. It might
be missing from the data dictionary or have incorrect data in its
'MissingCondition'The attribute is conditional but no condition has been
provided for when to use it.
'MissingData'No data was provided for an attribute that must appear
in the file.
'SuspectAttribute'Data in the attribute does not match a list of enumerated
values in the DICOM specification.


dicomwrite(X, filename)dicomwrite(X, map, filename)dicomwrite(..., param1, value1, param2,
value2, ...)dicomwrite(..., 'ObjectType', IOD,...)dicomwrite(..., 'SOPClassUID', UID,...)dicomwrite(..., meta_struct,...)dicomwrite(..., info,...)status = dicomwrite(...)


X = dicomread('CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm');
dicomwrite(X, 'sc_file.dcm');

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
