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dicomread() - Image Processing

X = dicomread(filename) reads
the image data from the compliant Digital Imaging and Communications
in Medicine (DICOM) file filename. For single-frame
grayscale images, X is an M-by-N array. For single-frame
true-color images, X is an M-by-N-by-3 array. Multiframe
images are always 4-D arrays.X = dicomread(info) reads
the image data from the message referenced in the DICOM metadata structure info.
The info structure is produced by the dicominfo function.[X,map] = dicomread(...) 
returns the image X and the colormap map.
If X is a grayscale or true-color image, map is
empty.[X,map,alpha] = dicomread(...) returns
the image X, the colormap map,
and an alpha channel matrix for X. The values of alpha are
0 if the pixel is opaque; otherwise they are row indices into map.
The RGB value in map should be substituted for
the value in X to use alpha. alpha has
the same height and width as X and is 4-D for a
multiframe image.[X,map,alpha,overlays] = dicomread(...) returns
the image X, the colormap map,
an alpha channel matrix for X, and any overlays
from the DICOM file. Each overlay is a 1-bit black and white image
with the same height and width as X. If multiple
overlays are present in the file, overlays is a
4-D multiframe image. If no overlays are in the file, overlays is
empty.[...] = dicomread(filename, 'frames',
v)  reads only the frames in the vector v from
the image. v must be an integer scalar, a vector
of integers, or the string 'all'. The default value
is 'all'.[...] = dicomread(___,'UseVRHeuristic',TF) 
instructs the parser to use a heuristic to help read certain noncompliant
files which switch value representation (VR) modes incorrectly. dicomread displays
a warning if the heuristic is used. When TF is true (the
default), a small number of compliant files will not be read correctly.
Set TF to false to read these
compliant files.


X = dicomread(filename)X = dicomread(info)[X,map] = dicomread(...)[X,map,alpha] = dicomread(...)[X,map,alpha,overlays] = dicomread(...)[...] = dicomread(filename, 'frames',
v)[...] = dicomread(___,'UseVRHeuristic',TF)


[X, map] = dicomread('US-PAL-8-10x-echo.dcm');
montage(X, map, 'Size', [2 5]);

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
