dicomdisp() - Image Processing
dicomdisp(filename) reads
the metadata from the compliant DICOM file specified in the string filename and
displays the metadata at the command prompt. dicomdisp can
be helpful when debugging issues with DICOM files.dicomdisp(___,Name,Value) reads
the metadata using name-value pairs to control aspects of the operation.
dicomdisp(filename) exampledicomdisp(___,Name,Value)
View Metadata from DICOM FileOpen This Example
Read the metadata from DICOM file.dicomdisp('CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm');
File: /mathworks/devel/bat/Bdoc16a/build/matlab/toolbox/images/imdata/CT-MONO2-16-ankle.dcm (525436 bytes)
Read on an IEEE little-endian machine.
File begins with group 0002 metadata at byte 132.
Transfer syntax: 1.2.840.10008.1.2 (Implicit VR Little Endian).
DICOM Information object: 1.2.840.10008. (Secondary Capture Image Storage).
Location Level Tag VR Size Name Data
0000132 0 (0002,0000) UL 4 bytes - FileMetaInformationGroupLength *Binary*
0000144 0 (0002,0001) OB 2 bytes - FileMetaInformationVersion *Binary*
0000158 0 (0002,0002) UI 26 bytes - MediaStorageSOPClassUID [1.2.840.10008. ]
0000192 0 (0002,0003) UI 50 bytes - MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.1.736169244]
0000250 0 (0002,0010) UI 18 bytes - TransferSyntaxUID [1.2.840.10008.1.2 ]
0000276 0 (0002,0012) UI 18 bytes - ImplementationClassUID [1.2.840.113619.6.5]
0000302 0 (0002,0013) SH 6 bytes - ImplementationVersionName [1_2_5 ]
0000316 0 (0002,0016) AE 12 bytes - SourceApplicationEntityTitle [CTN_STORAGE ]
0000336 0 (0008,0000) UL 4 bytes - IdentifyingGroupLength *Binary*
0000348 0 (0008,0008) CS 20 bytes - ImageType [DERIVED\SECONDARY\3D]
0000376 0 (0008,0016) UI 26 bytes - SOPClassUID [1.2.840.10008. ]
0000410 0 (0008,0018) UI 50 bytes - SOPInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.1.736169244]
0000468 0 (0008,0020) DA 10 bytes - StudyDate [1993.04.30]
0000486 0 (0008,0021) DA 10 bytes - SeriesDate [1993.04.30]
0000504 0 (0008,0023) DA 10 bytes - ContentDate [1993.04.30]
0000522 0 (0008,0030) TM 8 bytes - StudyTime [11:27:24]
0000538 0 (0008,0031) TM 8 bytes - SeriesTime [11:27:24]
0000554 0 (0008,0033) TM 8 bytes - ContentTime [11:27:24]
0000570 0 (0008,0060) CS 2 bytes - Modality [CT]
0000580 0 (0008,0064) CS 4 bytes - ConversionType [WSD ]
0000592 0 (0008,0070) LO 18 bytes - Manufacturer [GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS]
0000618 0 (0008,0080) LO 18 bytes - InstitutionName [JFK IMAGING CENTER]
0000644 0 (0008,0090) PN 10 bytes - ReferringPhysicianName [Anonymized]
0000662 0 (0008,1010) SH 8 bytes - StationName [CT01OC0 ]
0000678 0 (0008,1030) LO 8 bytes - StudyDescription [RT ANKLE]
0000694 0 (0008,1060) PN 10 bytes - PhysicianReadingStudy [Anonymized]
0000712 0 (0008,1070) PN 10 bytes - OperatorName [Anonymized]
0000730 0 (0008,1090) LO 12 bytes - ManufacturerModelName [GENESIS_ZEUS]
0000750 0 (0010,0000) UL 4 bytes - PatientGroupLength *Binary*
0000762 0 (0010,0010) PN 10 bytes - PatientName [Anonymized]
0000780 0 (0018,0000) UL 4 bytes - AcquisitionGroupLength *Binary*
0000792 0 (0018,1020) LO 2 bytes - SoftwareVersion [03]
0000802 0 (0020,0000) UL 4 bytes - RelationshipGroupLength *Binary*
0000814 0 (0020,000D) UI 48 bytes - StudyInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.]
0000870 0 (0020,000E) UI 48 bytes - SeriesInstanceUID [1.2.840.113619.2.1.2411.1031152382.365.736169244]
0000926 0 (0020,0011) IS 4 bytes - SeriesNumber [365 ]
0000938 0 (0020,0013) IS 2 bytes - InstanceNumber [1 ]
0000948 0 (0028,0000) UL 4 bytes - ImagePresentationGroupLength *Binary*
0000960 0 (0028,0002) US 2 bytes - SamplesPerPixel *Binary*
0000970 0 (0028,0004) CS 12 bytes - PhotometricInterpretation [MONOCHROME2 ]
0000990 0 (0028,0010) US 2 bytes - Rows *Binary*
0001000 0 (0028,0011) US 2 bytes - Columns *Binary*
0001010 0 (0028,0100) US 2 bytes - BitsAllocated *Binary*
0001020 0 (0028,0101) US 2 bytes - BitsStored *Binary*
0001030 0 (0028,0102) US 2 bytes - HighBit *Binary*
0001040 0 (0028,0103) US 2 bytes - PixelRepresentation *Binary*
0001050 0 (0028,0106) US 2 bytes - SmallestImagePixelValue *Binary*
0001060 0 (0028,0120) US 2 bytes - PixelPaddingValue *Binary*
0001070 0 (0028,1050) DS 4 bytes - WindowCenter [1024]
0001082 0 (0028,1051) DS 4 bytes - WindowWidth [4095]
0001094 0 (0028,1052) DS 6 bytes - RescaleIntercept [-1024 ]
0001108 0 (0028,1053) DS 2 bytes - RescaleSlope [1 ]
0001118 0 (0028,1054) LO 2 bytes - RescaleType [US]
0001128 0 (7FE0,0000) UL 4 bytes - PixelDataGroupLength *Binary*
0001140 0 (7FE0,0010) OW 524288 bytes - PixelData []
Output / Return Value
Alternatives / See Also