You are here : matlabImage Processingcol2im

col2im() - Image Processing

A = col2im(B,[m n],[mm nn],'distinct') rearranges
each column of B  into a distinct m-by-n block
to create the matrix A of size mm-by-nn.
If  B = [A11(:) A21(:) A12(:) A22(:)], where each
column has length m*n,  then A = [A11
A12; A21 A22] where each Aij is m-by-n.A = col2im(B,[m n],[mm nn],'sliding') rearranges
the row vector B  into a matrix of size (mm-m+1)-by-(nn-n+1). B must
be a vector of size  1-by-(mm-m+1)*(nn-n+1). B is
usually the result of processing the output of im2col(...,'sliding') using
a column compression function (such as sum).col2im(B,[m n],[mm nn]) is the same as  col2im(B,
[m n], [mm nn],'sliding').


A = col2im(B,[m n],[mm nn],'distinct')A = col2im(B,[m n],[mm nn],'sliding')


B = reshape(uint8(1:25),[5 5])'
C = im2col(B,[1 5])
A = col2im(C,[1 5],[5 5],'distinct')

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
