You are here : matlabImage Processingcheckerboard

checkerboard() - Image Processing

I = checkerboard creates
an 8-by-8 square checkerboard image that has four identifiable corners.
Each square has 10 pixels per side. The light squares on the left
half of the checkerboard are white. The light squares on the right
half of the checkerboard are gray.I = checkerboard(n) creates
a checkerboard image where each square has n pixels
per side.I = checkerboard(n,p,q) creates
a rectangular checkerboard where p specifies the
number of rows and q specifies
the number of columns. If you omit q, it defaults
to p and the checkerboard is square.Each row and column is made up of tiles. Each tile contains
four squares, n pixels per side, defined as TILE = [DARK LIGHT; LIGHT DARK]
The light squares on the left half of the checkerboard are white.
The light squares on the right half of the checkerboard are gray.


I = checkerboardI = checkerboard(n)I = checkerboard(n,p,q)



Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
