You are here : matlabImage Processinganalyze75info

analyze75info() - Image Processing

info = analyze75info(filename) reads the header file of the Analyze 7.5 data set specified by the string filename.

The function returns info, a structure whose fields contain information about the data set.Analyze 7.5 is a 3-D biomedical image visualization and analysis product developed by the Biomedical Imaging Resource of the Mayo Clinic.

An Analyze 7.5 data set is made of two files, a header file and an image file.

The files have the same name with different file extensions.

The header file has the file extension .hdr and the image file has the file extension .img.

info = analyze75info(filename,'ByteOrder', endian) reads the Analyze 7.5 header file using the byte ordering specified by endian, where endian can have either of the following values:

Value - Meaning

  • 'ieee-le' - Byte ordering is Little Endian
  • 'ieee-be' - Byte ordering is Big Endian

If the specified endian value results in a read error, analyze75info issues a warning message and attempts to read the header file with the opposite ByteOrder format.


info = analyze75info(filename)
info = analyze75info(filename,'ByteOrder', endian)


%Read an Analyze 7.5 header file.
info = analyze75info('brainMRI.hdr');

%Specify the byte ordering of the data set.
info = analyze75info('brainMRI', 'ByteOrder', 'ieee-le');

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
