You are here : assembly8051ORL

ORL - 8051

The ORL instruction performs a bitwise logical OR operation on the specified operands, the result of which is stored in the destination operand.

Note : When this instruction is used to modify an output port, the value used as the port data will be read from the output data latch, not the input pins of the port.


ORL dest,src


ORL A,#10h	;2 bytes 1 cycle
ORL A,@R0	;1 byte  1 cycle
ORL A,30h	;2 bytes 1 cycle
ORL A,R5	;1 byte  1 cycle
ORL C, /bit	;C = C or NOT (bit)
ORL C,bit	;C = C or (bit)
ORL 30h,#01h	;3 bytes 2 cycles
ORL 30h,A	;2 bytes 1 cycle

Output / Return Value


Alternatives / See Also
