You are here : Cmysql/mysql.hmysql_more_results

mysql_more_results() - mysql/mysql.h

 This function is used when you execute multiple statements
        specified as a single statement string, or when you execute
        CALL statements, which can return
        multiple result sets.CALLCALLmysql_more_results() true if
        more results exist from the currently executed statement, in
        which case the application must call
        mysql_next_result() to fetch the


my_bool mysql_more_results(MYSQL *mysql)



Output / Return Value

 TRUE (1) if more results exist.
        FALSE (0) if no more results exist.TRUEFALSEIn most cases, you can call
        mysql_next_result() instead to
        test whether more results exist and initiate retrieval if so.mysql_next_result()mysql_next_result()See Section 25.8.17, “C API Support for Multiple Statement Execution”, and
        Section, “mysql_next_result()”.Section 25.8.17, “C API Support for Multiple Statement Execution”Section, “mysql_next_result()”


Alternatives / See Also
