mysql_list_fields() - mysql/mysql.h
As of MySQL 5.7.11, mysql_list_fields() is
deprecated and will be removed in a future version of MySQL.
Instead, use mysql_query() to
execute a SHOW COLUMNS
statement.NoteAs of MySQL 5.7.11, mysql_list_fields() is
deprecated and will be removed in a future version of MySQL.
Instead, use mysql_query() to
execute a SHOW COLUMNS
statement.mysql_list_fields()mysql_query()mysql_query()SHOW COLUMNSSHOW COLUMNSReturns an empty result set for which the metadata provides
information about the columns in the given table that match the
simple regular expression specified by the
wild parameter. wild may
contain the wildcard characters % or
_, or may be a NULL
pointer to match all fields. Calling
mysql_list_fields() is similar
to executing the query SHOW COLUMNS FROM
tbl_name [LIKE
wild].wildwild%_NULLmysql_list_fields()mysql_list_fields()SHOW COLUMNS FROM
tbl_name [LIKE
wild]tbl_nametbl_namewildwildIt is preferable to use SHOW COLUMNS FROM
tbl_name instead of
mysql_list_fields().SHOW COLUMNS FROM
tbl_nametbl_nametbl_namemysql_list_fields()mysql_list_fields()You must free the result set with
MYSQL_RES *mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char
*table, const char *wild)
int i;
MYSQL_RES *tbl_cols = mysql_list_fields(mysql, "mytbl", "f%");
unsigned int field_cnt = mysql_num_fields(tbl_cols);
printf("Number of columns: %d\n", field_cnt);
for (i=0; i < field_cnt; ++i)
/* col describes i-th column of the table */
MYSQL_FIELD *col = mysql_fetch_field_direct(tbl_cols, i);
printf ("Column %d: %s\n", i, col->name);
Output / Return Value
A MYSQL_RES result set for success.
NULL if an error occurred.MYSQL_RESNULL
Alternatives / See Also