ac2poly() |
Convert autocorrelation sequence to prediction polynomial. |
ac2rc() |
Convert autocorrelation sequence to reflection coefficients. |
alignsignals() |
Align two signals by delaying earliest signal. |
arburg() |
Autoregressive all-pole model parameters - Burg's method. |
arcov() |
Autoregressive all-pole model parameters - covariance method. |
armcov() |
Autoregressive all-pole model parameters - modified covariance method. |
aryule() |
Autoregressive all-pole model parameters - Yule-Walker method. |
bandpower() |
Band power. |
barthannwin() |
Modified Bartlett-Hann window. |
bartlett() |
Bartlett window. |
besselap() |
Bessel analog lowpass filter prototype. |
besself() |
Bessel analog filter design. |
bilinear() |
Bilinear transformation method for analog-to-digital filterconversion. |
bitrevorder() |
Permute data into bit-reversed order. |
blackman() |
Blackman window. |
blackmanharris() |
Minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window. |
bohmanwin() |
Bohman window. |
buffer() |
Buffer signal vector into matrix of data frames. |
buttap() |
Butterworth filter prototype. |
butter() |
Butterworth filter design. |
buttord() |
Butterworth filter order and cutoff frequency. |
cceps() |
Complex cepstral analysis. |
cconv() |
Modulo-N circular convolution. |
cell2sos() |
Convert second-order sections cell array to matrix. |
cfirpm() |
Complex and nonlinear-phase equiripple FIR filter design. |
cheb1ap() |
Chebyshev Type I analog lowpass filter prototype. |
cheb1ord() |
Chebyshev Type I filter order. |
cheb2ap() |
Chebyshev Type II analog lowpass filter prototype. |
cheb2ord() |
Chebyshev Type II filter order. |
chebwin() |
Chebyshev window. |
cheby1() |
Chebyshev Type I filter design. |
cheby2() |
Chebyshev Type II filter design. |
chirp() |
Swept-frequency cosine. |
conv() |
Convolution and polynomial multiplication. |
conv2() |
2-D convolution. |
convmtx() |
Convolution matrix. |
corrcoef() |
Correlation coefficients. |
corrmtx() |
Data matrix for autocorrelation matrix estimation. |
cov() |
Covariance. |
cpsd() |
Cross power spectral density. |
cummax() |
Cumulative maximum. |
cummin() |
Cumulative minimum. |
cusum() |
Detect small changes in mean using cumulative sum. |
czt() |
Chirp Z-transform. |
db() |
Convert energy or power measurements to decibels. |
db2mag() |
Convert decibels to magnitude. |
db2pow() |
Convert decibels to power. |
dct() |
Discrete cosine transform (DCT). |
deconv() |
Deconvolution and polynomial division. |
demod() |
Demodulation for communications simulation. |
detrend() |
Remove linear trends. |
dftmtx() |
Discrete Fourier transform matrix. |
digitrevorder() |
Permute input into digit-reversed order. |
diric() |
Dirichlet or periodic sinc function. |
double() |
Cast coefficients of digital filter to double precision. |
dpss() |
Discrete prolate spheroidal (Slepian) sequences. |
dpssclear() |
Remove discrete prolate spheroidal sequences from database. |
dpssdir() |
Discrete prolate spheroidal sequences database directory. |
dpssload() |
Load discrete prolate spheroidal sequences from database. |
dpsssave() |
Discrete prolate spheroidal or Slepian sequence database. |
dspfwiz() |
Open FDATool Realize Model panel to create Simulink filter
block. |
dtw() |
Distance between signals using dynamic time warping. |
dutycycle() |
Duty cycle of pulse waveform. |
ellip() |
Elliptic filter design. |
ellipap() |
Elliptic analog lowpass filter prototype. |
ellipord() |
Minimum order for elliptic filters. |
enbw() |
Equivalent noise bandwidth. |
envelope() |
Signal envelope. |
eqtflength() |
Equalize lengths of transfer function's numerator and
denominator. |
falltime() |
Fall time of negative-going bilevel waveform transitions. |
fdatool() |
Open Filter Design and Analysis Tool. |
fft() |
Fast Fourier transform. |
fft2() |
2-D fast Fourier transform. |
fftfilt() |
FFT-based FIR filtering using overlap-add method. |
fftshift() |
Shift zero-frequency component to center of spectrum. |
filt2block() |
Generate Simulink filter block. |
filter2() |
2-D digital filter. |
filternorm() |
2-norm or infinity-norm of digital filter. |
filtfilt() |
Zero-phase digital filtering. |
filtic() |
Initial conditions for transposed direct-form II filter
implementation. |
filtord() |
Filter order. |
findchangepts() |
Find abrupt changes in signal. |
finddelay() |
Estimate delay(s) between signals. |
findpeaks() |
Find local maxima. |
fir1() |
Window-based FIR filter design. |
fir2() |
Frequency sampling-based FIR filter design. |
fircls() |
Constrained-least-squares FIR multiband filter design. |
fircls1() |
Constrained-least-squares linear-phase FIR lowpass and
highpass filter design. |
firls() |
Least-squares linear-phase FIR filter design. |
firpm() |
Parks-McClellan optimal FIR filter design. |
firpmord() |
Parks-McClellan optimal FIR filter order estimation. |
firtype() |
Type of linear phase FIR filter. |
flattopwin() |
Flat top weighted window. |
freqs() |
Frequency response of analog filters. |
freqspace() |
Frequency spacing for frequency response. |
freqz() |
Frequency response of digital filter. |
fvtool() |
Open Filter Visualization Tool. |
fwht() |
Fast Walsh-Hadamard transform. |
gauspuls() |
Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal pulse. |
gaussdesign() |
Gaussian FIR pulse-shaping filter design. |
gausswin() |
Gaussian window. |
gmonopuls() |
Gaussian monopulse. |
goertzel() |
Discrete Fourier transform with second-order Goertzel
algorithm. |
grpdelay() |
Average filter delay (group delay). |
hamming() |
Hamming window. |
hampel() |
Outlier removal using Hampel identifier. |
hann() |
Hann (Hanning) window. |
hilbert() |
Discrete-time analytic signal using Hilbert transform. |
icceps() |
Inverse complex cepstrum. |
idct() |
Inverse discrete cosine transform. |
ifft() |
Inverse fast Fourier transform. |
ifft2() |
2-D inverse fast Fourier transform. |
ifwht() |
Inverse Fast Walsh-Hadamard transform. |
impinvar() |
Impulse invariance method for analog-to-digital filter
conversion. |
impz() |
Impulse response of digital filter. |
impzlength() |
Impulse response length. |
intfilt() |
Interpolation FIR filter design. |
invfreqs() |
Identify continuous-time filter parameters from frequency
response data. |
invfreqz() |
Identify discrete-time filter parameters from frequency
response data. |
is2rc() |
Convert inverse sine parameters to reflection coefficients. |
isallpass() |
Determine whether filter is allpass. |
isdouble() |
Determine if digital filter coefficients are double precision. |
isfir() |
Determine if digital filter has finite impulse response. |
islinphase() |
Determine whether filter has linear phase. |
ismaxphase() |
Determine whether filter is maximum phase. |
isminphase() |
Determine whether filter is minimum phase. |
issingle() |
Determine if digital filter coefficients are single precision. |
isstable() |
Determine whether filter is stable. |
kaiser() |
Kaiser window. |
kaiserord() |
Kaiser window FIR filter design estimation parameters. |
lar2rc() |
Convert log area ratio parameters to reflection coefficients. |
latc2tf() |
Convert lattice filter parameters to transfer function
form. |
latcfilt() |
Lattice and lattice-ladder filter implementation. |
levinson() |
Levinson-Durbin recursion. |
lp2bp() |
Transform lowpass analog filters to bandpass. |
lp2bs() |
Transform lowpass analog filters to bandstop. |
lp2hp() |
Transform lowpass analog filters to highpass. |
lp2lp() |
Change cutoff frequency for lowpass analog filter. |
lpc() |
Linear prediction filter coefficients. |
lsf2poly() |
Convert line spectral frequencies to prediction filter
coefficients. |
mag2db() |
Convert magnitude to decibels. |
marcumq() |
Generalized Marcum Q function. |
max() |
Largest elements in array. |
maxflat() |
Generalized digital Butterworth filter design. |
mean() |
Average or mean value of array. |
meanfreq() |
Mean frequency. |
medfilt1() |
1-D median filtering. |
medfreq() |
Median frequency. |
median() |
Median value of array. |
midcross() |
Mid-reference level crossing for bilevel waveform. |
min() |
Smallest elements in array. |
modulate() |
Modulation for communications simulation. |
mscohere() |
Magnitude-squared coherence. |
nuttallwin() |
Nuttall-defined minimum 4-term Blackman-Harris window
. |
obw() |
Occupied bandwidth. |
overshoot() |
Overshoot metrics of bilevel waveform transitions. |
parzenwin() |
Parzen (de la Vallee Poussin) window. |
pburg() |
Autoregressive power spectral density estimate - Burg's method. |
pchip() |
Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolating Polynomial (PCHIP). |
pcov() |
Autoregressive power spectral density estimate - covariance method. |
peak2peak() |
Maximum-to-minimum difference. |
peak2rms() |
Peak-magnitude-to-RMS ratio. |
peig() |
Pseudospectrum using eigenvector method. |
periodogram() |
Periodogram power spectral density estimate. |
phasedelay() |
Phase delay of digital filter. |
phasez() |
Phase response of digital filter. |
plomb() |
Lomb-Scargle periodogram. |
pmcov() |
Autoregressive power spectral density estimate - modified covariance method. |
pmtm() |
Multitaper power spectral density estimate. |
pmusic() |
Pseudospectrum using MUSIC algorithm. |
poly2ac() |
Convert prediction filter polynomial to autocorrelation
sequence. |
poly2lsf() |
Convert prediction filter coefficients to line spectral
frequencies. |
poly2rc() |
Convert prediction filter polynomial to reflection coefficients. |
polyscale() |
Scale roots of polynomial. |
polystab() |
Stabilize polynomial. |
pow2db() |
Convert power to decibels. |
powerbw() |
Power bandwidth. |
prony() |
Prony method for filter design. |
pulseperiod() |
Period of bilevel pulse. |
pulsesep() |
Separation between bilevel waveform pulses. |
pulsewidth() |
Bilevel waveform pulse width. |
pulstran() |
Pulse train. |
pwelch() |
Welch's power spectral density estimate. |
pyulear() |
Autoregressive power spectral density estimate - Yule-Walker method. |
randn() |
Normally distributed random numbers. |
rc2ac() |
Convert reflection coefficients to autocorrelation sequence. |
rc2is() |
Convert reflection coefficients to inverse sine parameters. |
rc2lar() |
Convert reflection coefficients to log area ratio parameters. |
rc2poly() |
Convert reflection coefficients to prediction filter polynomial. |
rceps() |
Real cepstrum and minimum phase reconstruction. |
rcosdesign() |
Raised cosine FIR pulse-shaping filter design. |
rectpuls() |
Sampled aperiodic rectangle. |
rectwin() |
Rectangular window. |
resample() |
Resample uniform or nonuniform data to new fixed rate. |
residuez() |
Z-transform partial-fraction expansion. |
risetime() |
Rise time of positive-going bilevel waveform transitions. |
rlevinson() |
Reverse Levinson-Durbin recursion. |
rms() |
Root-mean-square level. |
rooteig() |
Frequency and power content using eigenvector method. |
rootmusic() |
Root MUSIC algorithm. |
rpmfreqmap() |
Frequency-RPM map for order analysis. |
rpmordermap() |
Order-RPM map for order analysis. |
rssq() |
Root-sum-of-squares level. |
sawtooth() |
Sawtooth or triangle wave. |
schurrc() |
Compute reflection coefficients from autocorrelation sequence. |
seqperiod() |
Compute period of sequence. |
settlingtime() |
Settling time for bilevel waveform. |
sfdr() |
Spurious free dynamic range. |
sgolay() |
Savitzky-Golay filter design. |
sgolayfilt() |
Savitzky-Golay filtering. |
shiftdata() |
Shift data to operate on specified dimension. |
sin() |
Sine of argument in radians. |
sinad() |
Signal to noise and distortion ratio. |
sinc() |
Sinc function. |
single() |
Cast coefficients of digital filter to single precision. |
slewrate() |
Slew rate of bilevel waveform. |
snr() |
Signal-to-noise ratio. |
sos2cell() |
Convert second-order sections matrix to cell array. |
sos2ss() |
Convert digital filter second-order section parameters
to state-space form. |
sos2tf() |
Convert digital filter second-order section data to transfer
function form. |
sos2zp() |
Convert digital filter second-order section parameters
to zero-pole-gain form. |
sosfilt() |
Second-order (biquadratic) IIR digital filtering. |
spectrogram() |
Spectrogram using short-time Fourier transform. |
spline() |
Cubic spline data interpolation. |
sptool() |
Open interactive digital signal processing tool. |
square() |
Square wave. |
ss() |
Convert digital filter to state-space representation. |
ss2sos() |
Convert digital filter state-space parameters to second-order
sections form. |
ss2tf() |
Convert state-space representation to transfer function. |
ss2zp() |
Convert state-space filter parameters to zero-pole-gain
form. |
statelevels() |
State-level estimation for bilevel waveform with histogram
method. |
std() |
Standard deviation. |
stem() |
Plot discrete sequence data. |
stepz() |
Step response of digital filter. |
stmcb() |
Compute linear model using Steiglitz-McBride iteration. |
strips() |
Strip plot. |
taylorwin() |
Taylor window. |
tf() |
Convert digital filter to transfer function. |
tf2latc() |
Convert transfer function filter parameters to lattice
filter form. |
tf2sos() |
Convert digital filter transfer function data to second-order
sections form. |
tf2ss() |
Convert transfer function filter parameters to state-space
form. |
tf2zp() |
Convert transfer function filter parameters to zero-pole-gain
form. |
tf2zpk() |
Convert transfer function filter parameters to zero-pole-gain
form. |
tfestimate() |
Transfer function estimate. |
thd() |
Total harmonic distortion. |
toi() |
Third-order intercept point. |
triang() |
Triangular window. |
tripuls() |
Sampled aperiodic triangle. |
tukeywin() |
Tukey (tapered cosine) window. |
udecode() |
Decode 2n-level quantized integer
inputs to floating-point outputs. |
uencode() |
Quantize and encode floating-point inputs to integer outputs. |
undershoot() |
Undershoot metrics of bilevel waveform transitions. |
unshiftdata() |
Inverse of shiftdata. |
unwrap() |
Correct phase angles to produce smoother phase plots. |
upfirdn() |
Upsample, apply FIR filter, and downsample. |
upsample() |
Increase sampling rate by integer factor . |
var() |
Variance. |
vco() |
Voltage controlled oscillator. |
wintool() |
Open Window Design and Analysis Tool. |
wvtool() |
Open Window Visualization Tool . |
xcorr() |
Cross-correlation. |
xcorr2() |
2-D cross-correlation. |
xcov() |
Cross-covariance. |
yulewalk() |
Recursive digital filter design. |
zerophase() |
Zero-phase response of digital filter. |
zp2sos() |
Convert zero-pole-gain filter parameters to second-order
sections form. |
zp2ss() |
Convert zero-pole-gain filter parameters to state-space
form. |
zp2tf() |
Convert zero-pole-gain filter parameters to transfer function
form. |
zpk() |
Convert digital filter to zero-pole-gain representation. |
zplane() |
Zero-pole plot. |